Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Speculoos Spread Rocky Road

Photo  and Recipe By: closeencountersofthecookingkind
  • Servings: 9-12 pieces

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
200g dark cooking chocolate, broken into small pieces (I used 54% dark chocolate)
⅓ cup Speculoos Spread
200g regular marshmallows, quartered (you can substitute with mini marshmallows)
7 digestive biscuits, cut into 1cm square pieces (can be substituted with 14 speculoos biscuits, cut into pieces)
50g white chocolate chips (or any other chocolate chips)
  1. Line a 20cm square cake pan with aluminium foil and set aside. In a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (not touching the water), melt cooking chocolate, stirring until smooth. Add Speculoos Spread  and stir to combine.
  2. Remove from heat and add chopped marshmallows and digestive biscuits. Use a wooden spoon and stir to coat everything with chocolate. Spread mixture across prepared pan, then top with white chocolate chips and use the back of the wooden spoon to press down slightly.
  3. Refrigerate for two hours, or until chocolate has set completely. Use a sharp knife to slice into 9 or 12 pieces, depending on how large you want them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Caramel Speculoos Marshmallows

Photo and Recipe By: Crumbs and Corkscrews

10 x Gelatine Sheets
500g Caster sugar
4 tsp Liquid glucose
200ml Cold water
2 Egg whites, large
1 tsp Speculoos Spread
4 tbsp Dulce de Leche

1. Line a square baking tin or a brownie tray with cling film and sprinkle with a good layer of icing sugar.

2. Fill a large bowl with cold water and add the gelatine sheets one by one.

3. In a heavy-based saucepan, add the sugar, liquid glucose and the cold water.

4. Gently heat the sugar mixture on a low heat until the sugar has completely dissolved.

5. Over a high heat, bring the sugar mixture to the boil, until it reaches 125-127C (firm ball stage) on a sugar thermometer. Take extra care as the sugar mixture is very hot and sticky.

6. As the sugar is boiling, using a stand mixer beat the egg whites until they are stiff. I prefer a stand mixer as it keeps my hands-free for dealing with the sugar mixture.

7. When the sugar mixture has reached the firm ball stage, carefully pour the mixture steadily into the egg whites, whilst the stand mixer is still beating.

8. Remove the gelatine sheets from the cold water and gently squeeze out any excess water.

9. Add the soaked gelatine sheets one at a time, to the whisked egg and sugar mixture, whilst the stand mixer is still beating.

10. Add the Speculoos Spread and continue beating the mixture for 10 mins until the mixture is thick and just pourable.

11. Scrape half the mixture into the lined baking tin and using a palette knife, spread out the mixture.

12. Add a dulce de leche on top of the marshmallow mixture, and using a palette knife swirl the caramel into and through the mixture.

13. Leave the marshmallow to set for 2 hours. Do not keep the marshmallow in the fridge as it will not set properly.

14. When the marshmallow is firm, gently turn the marshmallow out onto an board dusted with icing sugar, and cut with a sharp knife dusted in icing sugar.


If you don't have a sugar thermometer, it is possible to check that the sugar is at the correct stage without. Drop a little of the boiled sugar syrup mixture into a glass of very cold water. If the sugar sets to a firm but malleable ball, the sugar has reached the firm ball stage and is ready to use.

The marshmallows can be kept in an airtight container for up to one month. They are best kept between layers of baking paper to stop them from sticking together.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Galletas de chocolate, speculoos y pretzel

Recipe By: dulcesbocados

Para las galletas:
25 g. de mantequilla a temperatura ambiente
150 g. de azúcar glasé
1 huevo
1 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
40 g. de cacao en polvo
210 g. de harina
Una pizca de sal
Para la cubierta:
2 cucharadas de crema de speculoos Speculoos Spread)
125 g. de galletas pretzel troceadas
60 g. de chocolate troceado

Mezclar la mantequilla y el azúcar hasta que esté cremosa. Añadir el huevo, la vainilla y el cacao. Cuando esté todo bien incorporado añadir la harina tamizada en tres veces, mezclando bien hasta tener una masa homogénea.
Colocar la masa entre dos papeles de hornear y estirar con un grosor de 5 mm. Poner la masa estirada en la bandeja del horno y meter en la nevera 1 h.
Precalentar el horno a 180º.
Sacar la masa de la nevera y con ayuda de un cortador (o con un cuchillo) ir cortando tiras de masa de 1,5 cm de ancho aprox.
Colocar sobre una bandeja cubierta con papel de hornear, dejando un espacio entre ellas. Cocer unos 9 min., dando la vuelta a la bandeja a media cocción.
Dejar enfriar sobre una rejilla.
Una vez frías, untar crema de speculoos por encima y repartir las galletas pretzel, presionando ligeramente para que se enganchen.
Poner el chocolate troceado en un bol al microondas en posición descongelado y dejar que se derrita.
Rellenar una manga pastelera con una boquilla pequeña y adornar por encima, este paso también lo podemos hacer mojando un tenedor en el chocolate y dejando caer el chocolate en hilos sobre la galleta.

Dificultad: Fácil
Tiempo total de preparación: 20  min. + 1 h. de reposo